Film School Episodes 4 & 5 w/ R.A. the Rugged Man (Video) | @RAtheRuggedMan @filmdotcom

I missed posting R.A.‘s 4th episode of Film School, so here are the last couple episodes for you to check out.

Pay attention, kids: Rapper and movie enthusiast R.A. the Rugged Man is back with another session of Film School. In today’s class, R.A. confesses his deep desire to put a baby in a few key film industry players. “The fact that she’s close to 70 – or past 70 — that’s cool too. If she was closer to my age, I probably couldn’t get her,” the Rugged Man admits. So who is the septuagenarian that stole Rugged Man’s heart? Watch the video and prepare to get schooled.

Episode 4

Episode 5


I'm just trying to make my art and do what's smart. Cake donuts are clutch.
