Watch An Animated Short Documentary, “The Soulquarians: The Collaboration Between Questlove, D’Angelo, Erykah Badu and More” (Video)

I don’t really have to say much here. Press play on this dope look into the history of The Soulquarians, which is the late 90’s collaboration between Questlove, D’Angelo, Erykah Badu, J Dilla, Common, James Poyser and more. Animated by Steven Cartoccio and written by Matthew Ismael Ruiz.

In 1998, the neo soul movement was near its peak when a collective of like-minded artists came together to push the wave even higher. They called themselves the Soulquarians, and before the decade ended they’d help birth some of the modern era’s greatest recordings.


I'm just trying to make my art and do what's smart. Cake donuts are clutch.
