Historically a hip hop blog that was formed in 2009, with over 12,000 songs, projects, music videos and interviews shared to our audience via blog posts, BDTB now curates multiple playlists and media on three different YouTube channels covering music videos/songs, full-length projects, hip hop news and live discussions.

This playlist consists of the latest hip hop news, interviews and clips from different artists, discussion segments from the New Old Heads and other podcasts, and all other related hip hop media that’s not specifically the music itself.

Aside from sharing music, news and curating playlists, Bringing Down The Band is the parent company to a record label in No Cosign Records, which is an independent hip-hop/instrumental music distribution label that also focuses on DMCA-safe playlisting and licensing service for live streamers/content creators. BDTB also manages IndianaHipHop.com – an Indiana hip hop music playlisting / directory page, as well as a live-media podcasting network called New Old Heads Network that launched in 2021.
We’ve also created an online Discord community forum for everyone that wants to hang with us, talk hip hop, engage in the podcast, and more.
The New Old Heads Podcast is a weekly hip hop culture talk show with panelists with experience in DJing, producing, emceeing, hosting parties, radio, blogging, music education, community building and more. The show is shot live on TWITCH every Tuesday evening at 9pm EST, and full episodes can be found on your favorite podcast app and YOUTUBE. More detail on our network website.