Oreo Jones & 90 lbs – “The Delicious EP” (Release)

Check Oreo Jones and 90lbs’ collaborative The Delicious EP. Read below via Nuvo.

It goes, Lights. Camera. And don’t forget about the action.

Point taken, Mr. Jones. The Delicious EP, true to its name, contains twenty three tasty minutes of sharp, clever rhymes. Moving at the speed of light while spitting poetry in motion, his points to be made sometimes slide in one ear and out the other without total comprehension. But that’s okay, because it allows the listener to hear something new with each repeat of the record. In other words, it’s always fresh.

The first half of the EP is easy listening full of light-hearted, nostalgic beats. 90 Lbs lays down repetitive, funky compositions that create the perfect audio playground for Oreo’s groovy, fun verses. Standout track “Good Times” is the EP’s highlight that any child of the eighties will instantly appreciate. Overflowing with pop culture references from two decades ago, Jones reminds us of the Skip It (skip so much I ran up all the digits), Saved By The Bell (Lisa Turtle was my girl), and Mario Kart (Yoshi was the illest driver on the track… and Donkey Kong was slow as whack).

In comparison to opening tracks, the second half of The Delicious EP lacks slightly in energy and variety. “The Most” creates a drastic mood change with a pounding, in-your-face, synth-heavy opening. “Danger” brings back the retro sound, but the dismal subject matter tends to dampen excitement.

All in all, The Delicious EP is an impressive collection of rhythmic rhymes and soulful, vintage sounds. Only 12 days after their official debut, the wicked team of “Oreo Jones and the amazin’ 90 Lbs” have quickly made a name for themselves. The dynamic duo, who promise to “shake this whole damn town ‘til it wakes the hell up”, guarantee Indianapolis that this is only the beginning.

But right now, we celebrate the debut. Go ahead and take a few bites of the EP. They call it Delicious for a reason, you know.


I'm just trying to make my art and do what's smart. Cake donuts are clutch.
