PremRock x Willie Green ft. Open Mike Eagle “Jogger” Video | @PlanetPremRock @Mike_Eagle

Directed by Crosby.

There’s something about this video and song I just “like”. The simplicity maybe. Either way, enjoy, and if you haven’t grabbed the full-length album you can head on over to iTunes and grab that.

Here’s the 1st video and 3rd single off the critically acclaimed album PremRock & Willie Green. This time the duo pairs up with L.A. spitter, and Swim Team rep, Open Mike Eagle, to wax poetic about a female jogger.

Video Credits:
♦ Director: Crosby
♦ Cinematographer: Minhajul Hoque
♦ Editor/Color Correction: Mike Leuis
♦ Jogger: Olesya Shayda
♦ Special Thanks: Jordan Price


I'm just trying to make my art and do what's smart. Cake donuts are clutch.
