Tuamie – “Holy Ghost Spirituals” (Release)

Tuamie is back at it again with Holy Ghost Spirituals, the latest addition to the Gospel flip series on House Shoes run Street Corner Music. 20 godly flips with Tuamie’s signature bounce. He has said that this his “most personal work to date.” Tuamie also simaltaneously dropped another low-key project on his Bandcamp called Sun Energy, so peep that too. T-U-A-M-I-E.

You can stream Holy Ghost Spirituals below, and cop the digital download via Tuamie’s Bandcamp. Cassettes and vinyl LPs available via Fat Beats.

Tuamie returns to Street Corner Music with Holy Ghost Spirituals, the third release in SCM’s Gospel flip series. Following Jake One and Ras_G’s collections, Tuamie chops and flips his sanctified selections into raw beats. Expanding the original Bandcamp release from 8 to 20 tracks, this is a no brainer for a Tuamie fans.

David Peck

Beats in the morning. Beats in the evening. Beats at supper time.
