Mr. Kinetik’s Father’s Day Mix (2010)
Indianapolis emcee, producer, and DJ, Mr. Kinetik, has put out a mix for the fathers out there.
Movers & Groovers,
Above you see my Pops and I keeping it funky in the tuxedos. For the most part, I owe my love of music to my Pops. I remember sitting thumbing through his records just to look at the covers as a little kid. As I got older, I was thumbing through them to enjoy the music on the wax and maybe get lucky and find a sample that I could use and make something funky with it! God bless my Pops for everything he’s ever gave me INCLUDING his record collection. Remember kids, keep your fingers off the grooves and hold the wax by the edges! Take care of your music and it will take care of you! Read More |
br>(right click “Save Link As” to download)